I have always had a love for words. As a child I dreamt of someday writing a “real” book and seeing my words in a hardcover. I used to make small folded books and share them with my sisters or anyone who would take a look. I entered school writing contests and read voraciously. Reading and writing, I can say, has been a lifelong pursuit.

However, I started a real estate career first which had me writing copy for real estate advertising and various aspects of a successful business which I still continue to this day. Then as life does it takes a turn. I got married and had 3 amazing children.

Reading was a huge part of our family’s daily routine. We collected children’s books which we read and perused over and over.  Now each one my children has a collection of their own books for their own children someday. In additional to the fun silly books, we had curriculum books. I homeschooled my children for 6 years and during that time books became our daily life. We all learned a lot during those years!

I still hadn’t given up my dream of writing. As the kids grew I developed story lines that came from our own experiences. My first book came to me as I realized my first born was the star of the show and when a second child was on the way things would need to change. Yikes, what was I going to do? This first book is written in rhyme and covers some of these issues from the child’s perspective in a funny and captivating way.

I wrote most of this book as a passenger in a 12 hour car ride and the words and ideas just came spilling onto the page. But that was just the beginning of the process.  I really want to thank my husband and children for their support throughout this adventure as I have figured out what it takes to make this dream a reality.

At the present my first book is being sent through the final processes of the publisher and will be out late spring 2021. I am grateful Elk Lake Publishing chose me and my book to publish. I am super excited and hope you will come along with me for the ride. I have many more stories to tell!

Check me out on Instagram, my facebook page and my website at for all the latest updates!