Matters of the Heart

The heart is the center of our being, pumping blood through our bodies to keep us going. God is concerned about the condition of our hearts and it is not in the typical sense. He wants us to keep walking in a way that our heart condition keeps us alive in ‘Him’.

When I made a decision that I wanted to be a Christian as an adult, I remember wanting to learn all that I could to get it ‘right’ with God. I grew up in a traditional religious home and I was concerned that I had to be perfect to keep in relationship with Him. The more l learned the more convicted I became about who I had been before I became a Christian. I knew that my desires weren’t always the purest. I could have turned back but I was drawn to Him! I became more and more in awe of Him by what was opening up to me through His word and how much He loved me regardless of my faults.

I have learned throughout my journey that God does not expect perfection from us! Phew, what a relief! He has created us and knows us intimately. He knows our weaknesses, our faults and where we tend to stumble over and over. He even knows that I can tend to be a bit sassy, after all he created me. Even so He is still patient with me. He knows what’s in our hearts. 1 Samuael 16:7 tells us what he really sees when he looks at us: “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him: for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” He sees my heart and knows that I want to have a personal relationship with Him. In spite of my sin and the fact that I will never measure up to perfection, He still has open arms for me at anytime!

Believe in your Heart

It is through Jesus that I am able to know Him. Jesus is the one that God sent as His Son, as a part of Him. He sent Jesus so that we can know the way to have that personal relationship with God. Romans 10:9 says “that if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him the dead, you will be saved.” And in John 14:6 Jesus tells us that we cannot get to God without Him!

Guarding your Heart

Since the heart is the wellspring of our life we must take care to guard it. Many things in this world can capture our hearts and turn us down a wrong path away from God. We can be on the right course for our lives if we guard our hearts. “above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23.

To keep your hearts tuned toward Him reach out daily, you can meet with Him anytime. He loves you and you can come as you are even if you are a broken mess, weak or even hesitant. Just reach out and He will be there for you! You don’t have to walk through life on your own because HE wants a personal relationship with YOU!

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